NORD SECURITY, spol. s r.o. was established in 1993. The Company is a privately held Czech firm with operations concentrated in the Northern region of the Czech Republic. The company headquarters are located in Děčín, where it also has the largest number clients. We also have a detached workplace in Melník.
We provide complex professional security services including specialty K-9 aided services with an emphasis on quality. Our company currently employs 85 employees. New jobs are usually occupied in cooperation with the federal Unemployment Office.
To extend the services offered by NORD SECURITY a subsidiary company NORD SECURITY servis s.r.o., was established in May 2004 which currently employs a total of 50 employees.
Both companies meet the requirements of Act no.435/2004 Coll. About employment, §81 for Facultative compensation. Both companies have an insurance contract for material responsibility up to 50 million CZK.
NORD SECURITY, spol. s r.o. and NORD SECURITY servis s.r.o. are the holders of a series of specialty certifications. We are certified in the installation of security systems from Jablotron and Paradox. We also hold a certification for installation of telephone exchange systems from 2N. We hold a certification for the administration of the Jablonet PRO system. In the area of fire, health and safety protectionwe are certified by The Occupational Safety Research Institute of Prague.
For re-qualification courses - security guards, we hold the Lecturer certification.
In 2014 our Managing Director acquired a International arbitration of service dogs certification.